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About Oxford House



We work with those leaving rehab, healthcare professionals, legal professionals, veterans and parents of addicts.


The first Oxford House was started in 1975 in Silver Springs MD by a group of recovering alcoholics/addicts who were living in a halfway house that was closing down. Worried that they would have to leave and not have a safe place to go, they decided to rent a house together and hold each other accountable to staying sober. Within six months they had enough money saved to open a second house, to meet the need for more beds. With the help of Federal and State programs this growth has continued and today there are Oxford Houses in almost every state, and in several countries.


Oxford Houses are rented family houses where groups of recovering individuals live together in an environment supportive to recovery from addiction. Each house is self-run and financially self-supported following a standardized system of democratic operation. Each group obtains a Charter from Oxford House Inc., which is the umbrella organization for the international network of individual Oxford Houses.


All Oxford Houses have these common characteristics:


  1. The House must be run democratically

  2. The House must be financially self-supporting

  3. The House must expel members who relapse






What Oxford House Offers


Oxford House offers a supportive way of living and opportunities to learn life skills in a clean andsober environment.


  • Twenty-Four hour support from peers in recovery.

  • Learn alcohol and drug-free living skills.

  • Shared responsibilities for maintaining the House.

  • Equal vote on all House decisions.

  • Social interaction and activities.


Having time to become comfortable in sobriety might be the single most important part of the Oxford House success story. Using this cost-effective method to improve the chances of recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction, may be the best way to show the community that recovery works and that recovering individuals can become model citizens.


Eligibility for Membership


Individuals can apply to live in an Oxford House after meeting at least one of the following criteria:


  • Sobriety that is free from dangerous withdrawals.

  • Completion of alcohol or drug treatment.

  • Completion of a medical detoxification program


Other Requirements:


  • Agree to follow individual house guidelines

  • Stay current on his/her share of expenses

  • Demonstrate a desire to grow in recovery


Cost of Living


Equally sharing expenses keeps individual costs low!


  • Move-in fee ranging from $150-250 (due upon acceptance into House).

  • Weekly costs range from $100 to $125 per person.


What Do Your Costs Cover?


  • Rent in a fully-furnished home.

  • All utilities for the House including cable, phone, internet services.

  • House supplies (coffee, cleaning supplies, laundry soap, etc.)



Research on the success of our model.


Depaul University has a team of researchers that have been studying the Oxford House model for more than a decade. 



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